Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

The voice messages

Vocal n° 3

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 00:00 : Draws of Countermarks
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 01:59 : 470 - Stain under the sword on the right
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 08:03 : 650 and 520 - Josh Gates & Expedition Unknown
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 10:30 : 650 - Shape behind the character
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 12:13 : Visuals - Preference and interpretation
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 22:40 : Visuals - Complementarity and importance
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 25:11 : 780 - Needle on the horse's head
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 25:59 : Visuals - 60 to 80 layers of paint
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 29:00 : Visuals - Importance in hunting
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 31:15 : Procedure - Seizure of the Owl in 2004
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 32:10 : 80 layers of decryption
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 33:12 : Visuals - Creation and homogeneity of the canvases
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 35:57 : Sustainability of the Game - Solutions
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 37:06 : B - Green color and black background
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 40:03 : 500 - Most technical table
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 41:40 : Visuals - Table scale and proportions
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 43:03 : 420 - Sun and planet symbols
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 47:05 : Visuals - Finishing of tables
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 48:30 : 470 and 650 - Tilt of the sword and shovel
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 51:48 : 650 - Ruby on the canvas
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 55:39 : 500 - Madit on the visual instruction
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 58:02 : TV show - Very detailed specifications
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 59:13 : Creation of visuals - Understanding of puzzles
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:00:55 55: YouTube interview Fabien OLICARD
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:02:11 11:500 - Staff and Treble Clef
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:02:55 55:780 - Drawing of the compass
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:03:45 45: Message to the future inventor
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:04:16 16: Procedure - Solutions and trial
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:13:10 10: Mentalist Clément Freze - Understanding of hunting
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:18:39 39: Mega Tip – Psychology and Interpretation
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:19:45 45: Usefulness of Madits - Creation of Midits
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:23:05 05: Solve the Egg or Owl - Final Location
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:26:35 35: Exchanges with the Owlers
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:28:10 10: Publication of the 5th Edition
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:28:22 22: Collecting anecdotes about hunting
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:31:00 00: Discord - Recording of voice exchanges
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:35:30 30:650 - Knowledge of Sentinels - BSM
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:39:30 30: Ferreux Bird - Red envelope and floppy disk
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:41:40 40: Opposition Michel Becker vs Max Valentin
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:43:00 00: Unique solutions, down to the nanometer
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:44:03 03: Procedure - Seizure of the Owl
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:47:43 43: A single SS, in a single zone
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:47:02 02: Iron bird and disappearance of the countermark 1/8
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:51:00 00: Rules - Declared and deemed winner
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:57:42 42: Madits - Use and indices
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:59:25 25: Zarquos Syntheses
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:00:15 15: Availability of riddles and curses online
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:05:30 30: Maps - Reissue of the 1993 Michelin
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:07:05 05: Discord - Comment on exchanges
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:08:05 05: Payment - Proof of purchase of the book
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:11:23 23: CDC Publication - 5th Edition - Sale of the Owl
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:14:11 11: Visuals - Exchanges with Max
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:16:07 07: 1st Edition 1993 - Appendix Treasures: facts and legends
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:19:00 00: Contradictory sayings
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:23:22 22: Solutions - Validity (docs, elements on area, SS
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:26:44 44: IS - Validity and possible pitfalls
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:29:00 00: Solutions - Layout on the floppy disk
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:30:03 03: Game frozen in 1993 (Cards, documentation
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:34:20 20: Maps - Reissue of the Michelin 1993 - IGN
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:40:29 29: Procedure - Snow White Bailiff
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:44:00 00: Self-sufficiency of the book
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:47:30 30: Modern research methods
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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:49:05 05: Discord - New searchers
27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:52:23 23: Conclusion of the vocal
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